Wedding invitations, Bridal Shower Invitation, Party Invitation

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Love Birds Net Acrylic Wedding Invitations Online HPA291


Price includes: one invitation + one envelope + one Sticker or emuline sealing wax;

It is a stunning customable acrylic wedding invite.Printed with emboss printing tech, colorful and feel of sense of concavo-convex.
It features modern golden script, flowers and love birds, modern way to catch your guests.
Clear, transparent invitation same as Love, enjoy it, protect it.
High quality, surface scratch resistance; Translucency make the invitation looks crystal clear.

Images, colors,fonts and wording are all completely open to customization. Check customize options at bottom of website to find your favorite color, font. And Check wording & Verse to find a wording template. And if you want to add your wedding logo, an AI or PDF file is needed.

Size of the invite: Wide, 12CM; Height, 18CM;
Material of the invite: 0.2 cm clear PVC;
Size of the Envelop: Wide, 19CM; Height, 14CM;
Color Options of Envelop: Transparent;

Upgraded Options:
Customize sealing;
Extra money is needed for both upgraded options, price details contact our custom service by email.

After you place an order, we will email you the proofs of your cards within 36 hours.
Please check your email box and confirm the eproofs.
After that, you can receive your order within 6-7 business days.




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